Sunday 25 September 2011

National Teaching Standards


The National Goals for Schooling in the 21st Century (The Adelaide Declaration) adopted by the Ministerial Council on Education, Employment Training and Youth Affairs (MCEETYA) in 1999, was an historic commitment to improving Australian schooling within a framework of national collaboration.
The Declaration acknowledges that achievement of the agreed national goals entails a commitment to collaboration for the purposes of:
• Further strengthening schools as learning communities where teachers, students and their families work in partnership with business, industry and the wider community;
• Enhancing the status and quality of the teaching profession;
• Continuing to develop curriculum and related systems of assessment, accreditation and credentialing that promote quality and are nationally recognised and valued; and,
• Increasing public confidence in school education through explicit and defensible standards that guide improvement in students’ levels of educational achievement and through which the effectiveness, efficiency and equity of schooling can be measured and evaluated.


The Standards

1. Teachers know their students and how they learn
2. Teachers know the content and how to teach it
3. Teachers plan for and implement effective teaching and learning
4. Teachers create and maintain safe, and supportive learning environments
5. Teachers assess, provide feedback and report on student learning
6. Teachers engage in professional learning and reflection
7. Teachers contribute to the school and professional community

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